Types Of Computer :- (Difference between Analog Computer and Digital Computer)

Types Of  Computer :-

        1)  Analog Computer :

Analog Computer use Continuous physical magnitudes to represent quantitative information.

· Speed of this type of computers is less than digital computer.

·   This type of computer has less memory capacity, so it can store less amount of data.

·   They doesn’t provide better performance like as digital computer.

·     Their computing/processing speed is less.

·      This type of computer has complex architecture.

·      This type of computer is not easy to use.

·      They are not reliable as compare to digital computer.

·       Power consumption is high.

·      This type of computer has low readability.

· They have less accuracy as compared to Digital Computer.

·      Examples  analog clock, etc.

Analog Clock 

2)  Digital Computer :

Digital computer use discrete for to represent information, generally uses sequence of 0s and 1s. This 0s and 1s is called as Binary Digits or Binary bits. 

· The speed of digital computer is more as compared to analog computer.

·    This type of computer has more memory capacity, so it can store large amount of data.

·    They provide better performance than analog computer.

·    Their computing/processing speed is high.

·     Their architecture is not as complex as analog computer.

·     This type of computers are easy to use.

·     They are more reliable as compare to analog computer.

·      Power consumption is less.

·     This type of computer has more readability.

·     They have high accuracy.

Digital Computers

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