
Polarisation :-

     When medium one (plate 1) allows only those vibrations to pass through it, which are parallel to its axis. Hence when they emerge out of the crystal they vibrates in only one direction. Thus light is said to be linearly polarised because it has achieved the property of one-sidedness with respect to direction of incident radiations. This phenomenon is called Polarisation.

Polarisation Of Light :-

                    The phenomenon of restriction of the vibrations of light waves in a particular plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave motion is called polarization of light.

·       Plane Polarised Light :-

When the vibrations of the electric light vectors are confined in one plane, the light is called Plane polarized light. This direction is perpendicular to the direction of propagation.  

Digramatically  Expression :-

a)    Plane polarised light with vibrations

perpendicular to plane of paper 

b)    Plane polarised light containing changing electric

vector perpendicular to direction of propagation, only in one plane

Plane of vibration :- The plane in which the vibrations of polarised light take place is called as plane of vibration.

Plane of Polarisation :-  The plane perpendicular to the plane of vibration in which there are no vibration of polarised light is called plane of polarization. 

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